photos on the map? like in Lightroom?

Started by kirk, October 03, 2015, 01:55:42 PM

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Is it possible not just to see a selected picture on the map but rather  select one from the map initially like in Lightroom or Google map?    So I could find images  at certain point of interest on the map.    Along a certain street  for example.     

I see iMatch can find pictures around/next to a selected picture but how could I do that without initial selection and just find things on the map?   Can I ?    It's pretty critical for my workflow.

Or should I just copy/paste coordinates from google each time ? 


I'm not aware of a way for the map module to show locations of all photos in the File Window (filmstrip) without selecting any as Lightroom will do.  But if you select multiple photos in the File Window before opening the map module all of the selected photo locations should show on the map.  From there you can click one on the map to see which photo it is.


There is no feature which allows you to click on the map and then find images "nearby". I never needed this and it was never requested.
If you want such a feature in IMatch, please post a feature request in the feature request board. Other users can then comment on it and Like it to make your request more or less important.
-- Mario
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 I can select multiple (no more than 500) pictures and see them as blue flags . Problem I can't open them from those blue flags  .  Also that 500 limit makes it hard to work.

What I actually need is a one click location copy/paste  from the map to gps filter dialog.  Just posted it as a feature request .   

I  often need to quickly find  all photos from a specific point  and iMutch makes me troubles with finding the first picture to set the initial search radius. Would be nice to have it getting those initial coordinates not only from a photo but from a click on the map too. Have no idea if the maps could return such info but looks like Google can at least with its "search nearby" in right click menu.


You can change the 500 limit by going to

Edit > Settings > Geo & Map > Base Settings > Maximum Number of Files

I agree it would be nice to click (or right click) on a map marker and have the option to go to that file in the file folder like we have when viewing files in category view.  You might want to submit a feature request for something like that.


Quote from: JohnZeman on October 06, 2015, 12:29:12 AM
I agree it would be nice to click (or right click) on a map marker and have the option to go to that file in the file folder like we have when viewing files in category view.  You might want to submit a feature request for something like that.
Your wish is my command (well, sometimes). I have added  Goto File command to the left-click popup menu you get in the map. This command focuses the clicked-on file in the currently active file window, and brings the file into view.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Excellent!  I know I'll get good use out of this. ;D



— Tom, in Lexington, Kentucky, USA



This was only a 10 minute change. I don't recall a feature request for this command, but apparently many users have waited for it... ;D
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: Mario on October 06, 2015, 08:57:20 AMI have added  Goto File command to the left-click popup menu you get in the map. This command focuses the clicked-on
file in the currently active file window, and brings the file into view.

Ich fürchte, ich stelle gleich eine ziemlich peinliche Frage, aber ich verstehe nicht, um was für ein Popup-Menü
es geht. Wenn ich mit links in die Karte klicke, wird eine Zielmarkierung gesetzt, ansonsten passiert nix. Bin
wohl gerade etwas blind. Kann mich mal einer über die Straße führen?  8)


Rechsklick auf eine Flagge bzw. die Zielmarkierung öffnet das Menü.

Siehe auch die IMatch-Hilfe zum Map Panel für Details usw. Einfach in das Map-Panel klicken und <F1> drücken.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: Mario on October 25, 2015, 06:12:32 PM
Rechsklick auf eine Flagge bzw. die Zielmarkierung öffnet das Menü.

Okay, dann habe ich doch an der richtigen Stelle gesucht, aber bei mir ist dort
kein "Goto file"-Menüeintrag zu finden.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Ich habe das für die nächste Version implementiert, nicht für die 5.4.18.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Quote from: Mario on October 26, 2015, 09:45:00 AMIch habe das für die nächste Version implementiert, nicht für die 5.4.18.

Oops. Das könnte mein Problem erklären.  :-[


Diese "Goto"-Feature wurde hier angefragt und weil es schnell realisierbar war, habe ich es gleich für die nächste Version eingebaut.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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