Are there groups of mediaformats

Started by Menace, October 07, 2015, 12:03:32 PM

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I currently trying to make "data-based categories" by media-formats. [\101300\file.format\0]

But I want them grouped in:

- RAW-Formats
- Vector-Formats
- Movie-Formats
- Pictures
- Documents
- Music

I can do this via "Dateiformate" inside data-based-categories. [For every group I create an own category: For example: RAW-Format: .cr2;.dng;.crw;.raw;.tif;.srf;.sr2;.nef;nrw;


My question: Can I do this faster; are there already grouped tags or should I do this manuell?


Have you considered using the {File.Class} variable?
Please see the Variables help topic for details about this and other variables available to you.
If you need more info about how to produce data-driven categories based on variables, please see the data-driven categories help. It contains examples.

Using variables for data-driven categories is a tad slower than using metadata directly, but allows you to handle even such very special requirements.

On my system (5 years old, SSD) with a 70,000 files database it takes between 4 and six seconds to produce a data-driven category based on {File.Class}. Note that IMatch puts all video and audio files into the "multimedia" class, with the exception of MP3 files.

You can also create data-driven categories based on the file type, there is a proprietary IMatch tag for that: File.Format. That's faster than variables.

And you can of course go the full way:

1. Under a "Media Formats" category you create sub-categories for each type of media you are interested in.
2. Then you set each of these categories to be data-driven and use a filter / replace mask in the data-driven properties to include only files in specific formats into that category. This gives you full control over which files go into which of your media types, completely independent from the format and class IMatch manages for your files.

Damn, IMatch is so powerful and flexible  :) ;)

Play a bit with these tips, you should be able to get everything exactly as you want.

And of course you can also use Attributes, via their corresponding variables.

Note that you can set categories to update only on-demand, which is sometimes useful with slow data-driven categories based on slow or complex variables. It all depends on your computer and disk speed. Just give it a try.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Thank you. Definitely a fast approach. I'll test it on my huge database. What would cost more CPU-Power (or a slower). To solve this problem with Variables or with Tags (manuell, like I described in the first posting)?


As I explained in the data-driven categories help topic:

Tags are always faster. IMatch can do everything inside the database, and does not need to parse variables.
See the help topic for more info.

-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Thank you again. Sorry for asking you instead of reading the help-topic. I read often in the help, but even if I read it, I don'T find the right correlation. But I try "variables" and even with 130000 files it ist not really slow. But I test it with Tags again.

Yes, IMatch is great, but I struggle a lot with this deeper functions. :-/  ;)


Quote from: Menace on October 07, 2015, 01:27:40 PM
Yes, IMatch is great, but I struggle a lot with this deeper functions. :-/  ;)
Yeah, well. Working with data-driven categories on that level is rather expect stuff.

Most DAM's don't even allow you to create your own data-driven groups. You have to live with whatever the developers think you need. Or, they offer something similar, but with only a few options. Data-driven category system available in IMatch is usually only found in specialized big data analysis packages, enterprise reporting systems etc. All these are multi-thousand dollar packages  8)
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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IMatch is really, really fantastical. I even use it for my Exercises-Programs for playing drums or guitar. There seems no limit, but to found all what you need is sometime like "den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht zu sehen". I have an (maybe bad) idea, but first I want test it further.  8)


Ha, I even go further and further. Currently I group vectors via Tag and are able even to rename the tags (for example from "ai" to "ai Adobe Illustrator"... :proud: ).

But I have one problem. Some .ai-Files go to a separate group of "Vec" instead of "ai". Is it a problem of Exiftool/Adobe? Can I solve this problem?

Edit: I solve this problem. I should not look after "format" but "Erweiterungen".  8)

Mario, I am pretty sure that Websites, which are testing your software, have not a glue, what this program can do.  8)

[attachment deleted by admin]


I've got another issue: When I am put "DOCX,DOCX - Microsoft Word 2007" inside of "Ersetzen-Ausdruck" inside the data-based categories, I get not DOCX - Microsoft Word 2007, but DOC - Microsoft WordX. Can't IMatch write a number inside this kind of categories?


Is there a possibility to copy Categories (tree of categorie) from one database to another or have I to rebuild the (data-based) categories in every database new?


You can import and export categories. You will find that in the helpfile, to see details.
Have a good day!
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Thank you sinus. Of course, export. I looked at the categories and try right mouse-click just looking in Export-Panel.


Quote from: Menace on October 08, 2015, 09:44:26 AM
Thank you sinus. Of course, export. I looked at the categories and try right mouse-click just looking in Export-Panel.
Tip: The help is your friend. If you type export into the help index, categories is listed near the top of the result. This directly leads you to the help topic which explains how to export and import categories, e.g. to import them into another database or share them within your organization. It also explains what to check, the possible options and finer details.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Yeah, I found it. Just forgot to look after "Export". Create Tool and very helpful.