Add on option to the Viewer: Invert mouse-movement within zoomed image

Started by MyMatch, September 01, 2016, 08:56:35 PM

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I use several programms to manipulate and view images, also in the 100% view.

In all programs i can remember, if i move the mouse upwards in the images, the upper part will be shown.
And when i drag the mouse down, the image will be moved "upwards", so that i can see the lower part.

In the IMatch Viewer, this is exactly the oposite!

PLEASE add an option to make the Viewer compliant to other programs.


The behavior of the zoom & pan in the Viewer is fully compatible with "other programs". Lr works that way, PS too. Most RAW processors. I don't know what you mean with "other programs".

Let's see how many other users like your post.  The IMatch Viewer is now working that way for almost 3 years, and when I'm not mistaken you are the first user wanting that the image moves up when the mouse moves down. This feels totally unnatural to me. The current behavior, where you pan the image in the way you would pan a sheet of paper on your desk is more natural IMHO.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Just startup FastStone ImageViewer or FastPicture Viewer ... currently have no others installed.

The focus in zoomed mode follows the mouse!

So, it you move the mouse from the nose to the eye, like with a pointer, the zoom follows and you see the eye.

Anyway, there are lots of viewers out that do it this way - and it would be great, if you could add this option.



I tested with Photoshop and immediately understood:

When *working* with an image, manipulating it - i find the version from PS and IMatch to be correct.

But when *viewing* images, i expect it to be the oter way around - like FastStone ImageViewer and FastPictureViewer ...

Different modes of expectations :D


I prefer the paer analogy. If you put your finger on a paper photo and you move it down, the photo moves down. The photo does not move up! Nobody would expect that.
If you can get 10 or more users to Like your idea, I may consider adding an option later on. I doubt that many users would find this unnatural pan mode useful, though.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I cannot see many likes here anyway ...

Again: It is not unnatural, for me an many, it is natural.
It would be nice to accept this and not just write that this is unnatural!

Again: When working with an image, i like the same as you.
But viewing is completely different to me!

And to expand on that:

When playing Ego-Shooter computer games, you also have two different fractions:

One fraction want the view to follow the mouse, the other fraction want it the different way around.
This is like with a flight simulator, where you need to "pull up".

This is not "unnatural", but just a different kind of preferation!
Therefor, in ALL of such games, you can set this as you like and need!
It is mostly caller "Inverse Mouse" or "Reverse Mouse"

AND, if you are of the one type, you just cannot change to use the second type!
And vice versa.

Do you think, i would waste my time when i don´t think that this option is important!
For me, very important.


Just went in to check how this works, and I definitely like the current way it's working much better (the "paper-like" approach, to use Mario's analogy).  But I have noticed in some games that some people seem to like it when things move differently in relation to the mouse - guess it's just what you get used to.

That being said, options are always nice if they aren't hard to implement and they don't break something else.  But please, if you do decide to add this option, please leave the current mode as the normal/default setting.


QuoteThat being said, options are always nice

No. In most cases they are a sign of indecisiveness of the programmer  ;D
And the more options you have, the more complex the software will be perceived by it's users.
I think IMatch has already way too many options. I actually try to remove options where possible.

People in general live better with less options.
That's what made Apple so successful. Remove almost all option, explain users that "Apple knows best" and "When there is no option, you don't need one"...

The IMatch Viewer now works like this for 3 years (including the Beta). One user so far has requested a reversal of the way the Viewer (and the Quick View Panel) processes mouse movements during panning. Before I even consider this I would like to see 10 or 20 Likes.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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With one expection.
IMatch just had no real Viewer before.
I always viewed everything with FastStone ImageViewer and / or FastPictureViewer.

I could not start to use the IMatch Viewer, but for me it works just in the wrong way.

Therefor i realy, realy would appreciate to add an option to inverse the movement - like in many, many other viewers.

That´s all.


Along with IMatch I've been a licensed user of FastStone software for many years including its Image viewer.  And I've always thought FastStone is the one who does it counter intuitively, I much prefer the way IMatch, Adobe, and other programs move the image around when zoomed to 100%.


Quote from: MyMatch on September 14, 2016, 11:28:29 PM
I could not start to use the IMatch Viewer, but for me it works just in the wrong way.

Therefor i realy, realy would appreciate to add an option to inverse the movement - like in many, many other viewers.

That´s all.

Yep, that's all. You have made your points. If you get enough likes, Mario will think about this.
The more likes, the better are the chances for you.

But Mario knows and will also take in consideration, how difficult such an option is to program.
And I agree with him in two ways:

- the more option we have, the more complicated seems the program for a lot of people. And more sideeffects can be suddenly arise.
- the way it is now, for me personally it is completely intuitiv

But of course you are correct, each human has another feeling. A person, who does write with the left hand, for example, can have other feelings about several things.
Mario has to decide, what makes sense and what not.

I doubt, that FastStone has an option to change its behaviour for people like John, who does not like it in this manner!?
Maybe I am wrong here, because I do not use FastStone.

Your feature request is fine here, at the right place, let's look, how many likes it gets.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


I look at this this way:
Do we have a fixed frame through which we look and use the movement to position the image behind (in) the frame

Do we have a fixed image and use the mouse to move the frame through which we look at the image.

I can appreciate that, if one moves between programs with a different approach, on gets confused/annoyed.


Quote from: ubacher on September 16, 2016, 08:32:41 AM
I can appreciate that, if one moves between programs with a different approach, on gets confused/annoyed.

Yes, I agree. But I think, that is normal. If I look at the different approach/using of text-behaviour between Word, InDesign, scribus and so on than I could be very often and a lot annoyed.
Try to write Adobe or Microsoft or another company is possible, but to get an answer or even a change of the behavour is almost impossible.

So we should try to use only one program, what fits best or we should try to change our behaviour.
Beeing annoyed is finally not a good reaction, it makes feel you bad. Not good for your health.  ;D 8)

In the science it is often the case, if you do something unusual for you very often, than the chance is quite big, that you will become like a before curious thing.

But here, with IMatch we have a chance, if there are enough likes or Mario thinks, a feature request does make sense, that he will really change it.
So we will see.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)