Built in solutions for handling metadata of scanned pictures, roll films

Started by mastodon, February 15, 2017, 08:24:26 AM

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It would be a great feature, that would give as a hand in writing metadata for scanned pictures, that have no standard XMP fields.
For example:
- type of the scanned original
- owner or place where to find the original
- paper or glas original's identifier
- roll id and frame number for roll films
- metadata for roll films like manufacturer, type, bw/color/dia, ISO
- handling imprecise dates and times!


I'm not sure what you mean by this.

If you google for "XMP video" you should find plenty of suggestions and hints.
There are also some XMP extensions for video files (some by Adobe) and when these are supported by ExifTool, they are automatically supported by IMatch as well.

Quote- handling imprecise dates and times!

This has been discussed many times already. It's just not worth the effort.
Although some XMP timstamps support partical dates and times, this freedom is lost as soon as it comes to write the data with ExifTool or trying to display it with any Windows or 3rd party date/time control feature. Or trying to do date or time arithmetic.

It is usually better to specify something like 1890/1/1 (first half) or 1890/7/1 (second half) and then making a note in a comment field that the date is uncertain and give more details like "Approximately first half of 1890". If you have the "uncertain date" info recorded in the metadata you can easily search for it later.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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For storing the roll number you can just choose one of the XMP free text tags. There is also the AnalogEXIF namespace,

see this thread: https://www.photools.com/community/index.php?topic=4063.0



Not sure if this is widely supported. As far as I know, ExifTool does not support this namespace.

IMHO it's usually better to not get too fancy. There are several free description tags in XMP which are supported by all applications. Set aside one of these to store analog data like film roll, paper, process etc.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I know that topic, and I know AnalogEXIF etc., AND There must be a lot of users, who are handling scanned pictures. BUT there is no stright and easy solution for storing/handling the corresponding metadata (not just roll ID).
That is why I make this feature request.


I'm not sure what you expect from me, sorry.

I will not create a custom XMP namespace for this. There are too many already.
I cannot give you a recipe how to "storing/handling the corresponding metadata (not just roll ID). "
There are surely better experts out there than me.

I suggest you don't make this a feature request (because no change for IMatch is possible) and instead post a question into the General Discussion forum.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
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I shall admit that it might be difficult to make this feature. Yes, and this definitely need creating custom XMP namespace.
I will ask for workflows for doing this. One must have the data for films (ex. negatives roll ID and frame number) for making the right time order, and maybe find out the date created.
Thanks for your time.


Quote from: mastodon on February 15, 2017, 08:24:26 AM
It would be a great feature, that would give as a hand in writing metadata for scanned pictures, that have no standard XMP fields.
For example:
- type of the scanned original
- owner or place where to find the original
- paper or glas original's identifier
- roll id and frame number for roll films
- metadata for roll films like manufacturer, type, bw/color/dia, ISO
- handling imprecise dates and times!

As Mario has pointed out, there are no 'standard' ways of managing this kind of information. (I suspect that film-related information is considered irrelevant by the folks who set up standards, despite the fact that lots of film has been scanned and needs to be managed...) However, there are metadata tags that do address some of this, for example:

DigitalSourceType (see http://cv.iptc.org/newscodes/digitalsourcetype/)
Also see http://www.iptc.org/std/photometadata/specification/IPTC-PhotoMetadata which describes the 2016 photo metadata tags standard used for newspaper/press use. I believe this includes information about tags for the owner or place where to find the original.

For specifically film-related information, it may be easiest to set up your own custom hierarchical keywords system. I've set up two such sets of hierarchical keywords, Film camera and Film type, and populated these by hand based on the camera and film types I've scanned (e.g., Film type|Kodachrome, Film type|Tri X, etc.). Although these aren't 'standard', I find them useful. You could set up your own extended scheme based on your specific needs.

For handling imprecise dates, this has been discussed on the Forum; you may want to do a search for more specifics. Mario's note about this is directly on point.

More references from the iptc.org document:

Adobe XMP Adobe Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP)
Latest specification as of April 2012 and April 2013
These documents include the specification of the metadata schemas Dublin Core, XMP
Rights management and Photoshop which are referenced in this specification.
ISO XMP XMP Part 1 as ISO standard 16684-1

DC Dublin Core metadata schema:

IPTC NewsML-G2 IPTC NewsML-G2 standard, an XML-based news exchange format:

IPTC IIM IPTC Information Interchange Model: http://www.iptc.org/IIM/ and

PhMdWP2007 IPTC Photo Metadata White Paper 2007

PLUS Picture Licensing Universal System – PLUS: http://www.useplus.org
PLUS specifications: http://www.useplus.com/useplus/standards.asp

MetadataWG Guidelines for Handling Image Metadata v 2.0

W3C-SKOS SKOS Simple Knowledge Organization System
Overview: http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/
Reference: http://www.w3.org/TR/skos-reference/


Thanks, I see that there are good concepts there, but I do not really understand how to set up a system to handle the meta data of scanned pictures (and as the DigitalSourceType mentioned: digital image was created by computer software, yes that is a good idea, my son created some and it will go on). My problem is, that I can not set up a good workflow for that, and I did not find any detailed workflow here in the forum yet. There are some good ideas, but these are to difficult to me to replicate. I need a detailed step by step recipe. I will make a question in the General Discussion section.