Want a simple way to import images from card into date based file structure

Started by greg, March 15, 2017, 05:15:54 AM

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I would like to take files on a memory card and have them imported into the root of my pictures folder such that they end up as follows:Root


Files are copied into the folders from the memory card. When done the folders and files are added to the database
Where date is derived from the file exif creation date
Lightroom does something similar as do some other DAM products.

I couldn't find a command or app for this. I also spent some time in the help system. I have missed basic functionality before, so I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Importing from a memory card folder to a structured file format seems like a common need.


I think, you would do this with the "renamer" - tool.

It gives a lot of possibilites, look in the help.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


You can do that easily with the Renamer.

The Renamer can rename files, based on many criteria, including metadata and Attributes.
It can also move and copy files, create folders on-the-fly (also based on metadata) etc.

Select the files you want to rename and press <F2>.
See Renamer in the help for all available options.

I also recommend the article Putting Some Smarts Into File Names in the IMatch DAM knowledge base for additional inspiration.

Here is the index of the knowledge base which lists all articles.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
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The Windows 7 photo import will import the pictures just the way you described.

With Windows 10 the default windows import is different and (for me) rather a nuisance.

One can get the Win7 photo import however on win 10 running this batch file:
"%SystemRoot%\system32\rundll32.exe" "%SystemDrive%\Program Files\Windows Photo Viewer\photoAcq.dll",PhotoAndVideoAcquire

There is some way to get thie old import functionality automatically when you right click on the card and then select Import photos and videos.
For my Nikon camera connected via USB cable to the system it seems to work this way - I can't recall how I got it to do this -
I do recall however that I was unable to set it up for other imports: thus the batch file.

I have been using this built in windows import ever since and I find it is very reliable.


Hm, greg wrote, that he likes to do the copy&rename job directly from the card. My opinion is, that this won't work well with the renamer, because the files have to be known by IMatch for using the renamer.

I think, there are some workflow options:
1) rename outside IMatch
a) Using a one line exiftool script/batch for copying/moving and renaming the file from the card to the folder structure.
b) let IMatch rescan the folder structure for new files and directories

2) rename outside IMatch (the workflow used by me)
a) copy the files from one or more cards to a dedicated import folder
b) run the one line exiftool batch for renaming and moving the files from the import folder to the date based folder structure. The files are renamed to something like {yyyymmdd}_{hhmmss}_{nnnn}.{ext}
c)  let IMatch rescan the folder structure for new files and directories

3) rename inside IMatch
a) copy the files from one or more cards to a dedicated import folder
b) let IMatch rescan the import folder for new files
c) use the IMatch renamer to rename and move the files


I use Breeze Browser Downloader Pro.  Does just this as Greg requires, direct from the card to newly created folders.


I import from the cards into an Import folder that is part of my database.
IMatch picks the files up, automatically adds metadata and generates keywords using a metadata template. The template also adds the files to some categories and collections.

I give the files a quick cull in the Viewer. I usually already cull while on loc during idle time.

I use the Renamer to rename and distribute the files.
Then I edit the files in Ps or Lr as needed.

No need for external software or the built-in Windows import module. Minimal manual work.
This workflow is applicable for cameras connected to the PC via USB or via network cable, with my card reader and also with the Wi-Fi enabled cameras.

Sometimes I also just cull in Lr and add only the final files to IMatch. I always rename in IMatch and apply metadata because Lr is too limited and cannot rename the files the way I need them. I use it only as a RAW processor. Mostly I work in Ps because almost all my images are composites.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
http://www.photools.com  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like photools.com on Facebook


Thanks for suggestions. Here's what worked.
Copied files from SD card to local SSD import folder.
Used Rename to move files from import folder into date structured folder structure in database located on NAS drive.

I ran into a little glitch when I specified the raid drive with the full path instead of the drive letter. That created a duplicate file structure into the NAS. I was able to remove the duplicate path from the database. While worrisome when it occurred it wasn't too hard to correct once I considered the situation.

Rename is quite a powerful little beast.