Category Filter not working correctly

Started by axel.hennig, June 09, 2017, 09:08:48 PM

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I'm not sure if this is a bug. Perhaps someone can try to reproduce this.

I'm using IMatch 2017.6.2. I wanted to use the "Category Filter" on the left side below the category tree. When I type something in the "Filter" field the category tree is not really "filtered" but "searched". So the result is the same as when I type into the "Search" field.

The attached screenshot describes the problem (hopefully) very good. I typed "02" into the "Filter" field and I think only the "02" categories should be visible and all other categories shouldn't, but this is not the case. I think this was the behaviour in the previous IMatch versions (5.8.x and below).

I tried this with three different databases (one for my pics, one for my videos and one newly created one just for testing).

Please find also attached the log-files in Debug-mode.

I hope someone can help me (or this is really a bug).


Thanks Menace,

I should have looked into the Bug Reports. My fault.
