IMatch 2017.8.2 64-bit Edition Thread

Started by Mario, July 31, 2017, 08:42:46 PM

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I have just released IMatch 2017.8.2 - the first version ever which comes in 32-bit and 64-bit editions. Pure awesomeness.

I've worked for a looong time on the 64-bit edition. This was a truly 'demanding' challenge...

After getting rid of the ancient BASIC scripting language, the way was free for a 64-bit edition. Yippee!
Migrating IMatch to 64-bit not only meant to make all my own code '64-bit ready' (which was the easiest part, I've planned ahead!). In addition I've had to migrate/upgrade/replace all the other components, toolkits and libraries I use to create IMatch. Only a developer can understand what this means...I won't even try to explain this to normal folks. Weeks! Weekends!! And more weeks! BIG sigh!

IMatch 64-bit uses the latest and greatest of everything now. 64-bit web server. 64-bit image library (handles really huge images now!). 64-bit Chromium browser. Updated SSL and image library...
The 64-bit edition can use more than 3.5 GB RAM (great for large databases, huge category sets, caching and large images). It also uses certain features of modern processors which are only available for 64-bit software. This makes IMatch faster and IMatch WebServices handle even concurrent more users without breaking sweat.

This is really, really a massive step forward.

The 64-bit edition is now the standard edition, and the 32-bit edition it's lesser brother. I will continue to ship IMatch 32-bit for a while, until the last 32-bit Windows computers are gone for good.

Although I still consider IMatch 64-bit to be in BETA state, I would welcome users with a second PC or users who a adventurous and afraid of nothing to install and try out IMatch 64-bit. I use it for my own databases exclusively for the past two weeks


A BIG congratulations for this huge step! :)
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Quote from: sinus on July 31, 2017, 08:54:19 PM
A BIG congratulations for this huge step! :)
Thanks. Try it out and let me know what you find out!  :)


Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


Hi Mario, is the Pack and Go compatible between 32 and 64 bit versions?

Also previewcache


Excellent progress! I downloaded and installed in on my 5 year old Sony Vaio laptop (i5, 8GB memory, integrated Intel graphics). No issue so far. The Viewer does seem to take advantage of more memory; still takes usual time to load images because of I/O limitations on my laptop, but once viewed, they can be viewed again w/o read delays. Still need to try out other things although my laptop test database is rather small.

The release note link on Facebook is broken, produces a 404 message.
A couple of release note typos:

@Developers: Output Panel may open when console.log is used. #00236

Using console.log in an app could cause the output panel to open.
There is now an option to show or hide the detailed descriptions for each find mode. This makes the app better usable on small displays.


Great work and thank you for the 64-Version.

First Issue (not sure if bug):
- IMatch doen't create any pdf-Thumbnails. Yesterday, with 32-Version, it was not a problem.

Testing file 'D:\00 Eigene Dateien\01 Unterricht\04 NWT\09 Klasse\51 Archiv - vom LGW\00 Ordner Holz\03 Tipps - Vorträge - Ordner - Protokolle\01 Tipps Vorträge - 0001.pdf'
Thumbnail: Codec ''
(CreateDecoderFromStream failed (88982F50 Die Komponente wurde nicht gefunden.).) 0x0 pixel in 0 ms.
Preview: Codec ''
(CreateDecoderFromStream failed (88982F50 Die Komponente wurde nicht gefunden.).) 0x0 pixel in 0 ms.
Full resolution: Codec ''
(CreateDecoderFromStream failed (88982F50 Die Komponente wurde nicht gefunden.).) 0x0 pixel in 0 ms.

RESULT: It looks like no WIC codec is installed which can handle this file.

I don't want FastPictureViewer Codec Pack to create thumbnails, because this software just take the first jpg, that it can gets and it looks awful.

Adobe Acrobat X Pro


Quote from: jch2103 on August 01, 2017, 12:20:03 AM
The release note link on Facebook is broken, produces a 404 message.
I have fixed the broken link on FB, thanks. I did a large update to the customer portal yesterday and this messed some things up.
I don't really care for typos in release notes, until they make the content wrong. I type the release notes while in full development stride and then never look at them again  ;)


Quote from: Menace on August 01, 2017, 09:38:13 AM
reat work and thank you for the 64-Version.

First Issue (not sure if bug):
- IMatch doen't create any pdf-Thumbnails. Yesterday, with 32-Version, it was not a problem.

IMatch prefers the installed PDF WIC codec because the Acrobat thumbnail handler makes to many problems and produces crashes with a wide range of PDF files. FPC does not understand your perculiar PDF format so IMatch will fall back to ask Windows for the PDF thumbnail.

I would need a log file in Debug mode from an IMatch session where you used Shift+Ctrl+F, Force Update on a PDF file to tell more. This should log the error message returned by Windows when IMatch asks for the PDF thumbnail. This may help to figure out what the problem is. The code for processing PDF files is identical between IMatch 32-bit and 64-bit.

My test suite has about 30 PDF files, produced with different applications or sent to me by users. They all generate thumbnails in IMatch, whether or not FPV codecs are installed.



The log file shows no problems with processing the PDF file. It logs:

Vorträge - 0001.pdf with 2000 x 2000 (O: 2000 x 2000) in 312ms

thiwh indicates that it has extracted a 2000 pixel preview. What do you see in IMatch? An icon?
Can you send me the file so I can check it here?



This is what I get on my system (IMatch 2017.8.2 64-bit):

I have only Adobe Acrobat Reader DC installed (32-bit).
May re-installing Acrobat Reader solves this.


This is, what I got yesterday too (IMatch 32-bit). Today I installed Acrobat DC already (but maybe I should make it as standard-software)?


No idea. At least the log file tells us that IMatch got a 2000 pixel thumbnail/preview for the file on your machine.
Can you see something in the Quick View Panel or Viewer?


Quickview: Icon
Viewer: Icon

I try "FoxitReader" (currently download). Are there for to different codecs for 32 and 64 Apps inside Windows?

If Foxit doesn't help, I try also IMatch 32-bit; just to be sure.

Edit: @Mario: FoxitReader brought the solution. Now I can see my pdfs.

I hate Adobe, I really hate them.


Error 103 during download.

I just tried to download IMatch 2017.8.2, but I just got an error message:


System: Win 7 64bit, Firefox


I have logged on using your account and I had no problems downloading the file.
Just try again. Maybe the server was temporarily overloaded or something. Many users are downloading IMatch currently.


Tried again with firefox. The problem persists.
Downlaod with IE 11 was successfull



Firefox is my main browser, I use Chrome as 2nd and Edge. IE is dead and good riddance.

I've done my test using FF.
Maybe you have some plug-in installed in FF that is interfering?
The download mechanism has not changed for quite a while. So either a local problem on your PC or temporary overload because of too many downloads happening at the same time...


Maybe it is caused from my new PDF-Reader by Foxit, but importing 250 PDF-Files in IMatch 2017.7.6 takes 2 h (hours). Importing 250 PDF-Files in IMatch 2017.8.2 64 takes 2 Minutes!

Maybe it's esoteric, but IMatch 64 seems (much?) faster.


The 64-bit version is faster - it can use advanced features in processors only accessible for 64-bit tasks.
But it is not that dramatically faster, just general faster. And of course all features which benefit from more RAM will cause speed improvements (categories, viewer, etc.)


Quote from: Mario on August 01, 2017, 03:46:53 PM
The 64-bit version is faster - it can use advanced features in processors only accessible for 64-bit tasks.
But it is not that dramatically faster, just general faster. And of course all features which benefit from more RAM will cause speed improvements (categories, viewer, etc.)

Wow...! On my midrange system it runs much more faster then before. That's really an improvement.  :)
The application starts as a flash.


CPU Typ   QuadCore Intel Core i7-4790K, 32709 MB  (DDR3 SDRAM)
Microsoft Windows 10 Pro


Great  :)

Thanks for the feedback. IMatch 2017 64-bit will make good use of your processor cores and 32 GB RAM  ;)


I am also very happy with the 64bit version. Another speed enhancement (after the very notable one between IMatch 5 and 2017).
Installed without problems, faster startup. And my "How I learned JavaScript App" (officially titled "Attribute Script Calculator"  ;)) also runs without problems.

Great work!
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA

Mees Dekker

Everything fine here, also a good improvement in speed on my rather old system (it dates back to 2010).

Runs on W10 Pro nowadays and has a I7 processor at 2.8 Ghz. 8 Mb RAM only and a rather old, not very sophisticated graphic card. However: I did replace one of my hard disks (C:) by a 1Tb SSD 2 years ago. That gave a enormous boost to the system performance. My pictures are kept on a Synology NAS. So IMatch runs on rather low-end hardware very smoothly. My database contains almost 80.000 files, almost 1200 folders and 2500+ categories.

Also noteworthy: I keep a keen eye on the reliability of my system (through reliability monitor in W10) and IMatch almost never stops working, while all sorts of other programs do that every once in a while. This means that also from a technical programming perspective, IMatch is a superb example of software.


Thanks for the feedback, Mees. I like hearing back from users about things like performance, number of files managed etc.

Seems like the first 24h of IMatch 2017 64-bit passed without any kind of problems or explosions...  :)  I'm happy.

Mees Dekker

I even managed to download a 64 bit version, in stead of a 54 bit version. 20% more bits for the same price :-)


Sorry, typing on the smart phone. Thumbs too thick  ;D


Updating 360 metadata in some 360 files.
I don't know if it subjective but it appears to go faster on the 64 version.



The 64-bit version may shave of a few seconds of tasks with massive file I/O (like extracting metadata from files with ExifTool while also updating the database file) due to more 'direct' access to the file system without 32 to 64 bit conversion. It will improve things a lot for users who regularly add many files or who have to re-build many databases from scratch for testing purposes (moi!)


Das Herunterladen mit Firefox ist seit Stunden nicht möglich (An error (103: ) occurred while preparing your download. Please try again).

Mit Windows Edge ging das dann problemlos. Ebenso die Installation.

Die ersten Tests mit 'Medien & Verzeichnisse' und 'Kategorien' sowie 'Karte' waren merklich schneller im Aufbau der Anzeige als bisher. Allerdings habe ich nur eine bescheiden kleine Datenbank mit 27.000 Dateien.



Ich habe gerade die Datei mit FF runtergeladen. Kein Problem.
Ich habe mir mal die Server Logs von heute angeschaut. Da sind aber keine Fehler protokolliert.
103 wird von meinem Webservice bei einem ungültigen Parameter geliefert.

Wenn es ein Server-Problem wäre, sollte es eigentlich das gleiche Problem mit allen Browsern sein.
Hast Du irgendwelche besonderen Add-ons in FF?

Kannst Du das Problem immer in FF nachvollziehen?
Wenn ja, kannst Du bitte folgendes tun:

1. Normal mit FF anmelden usw.
2. Dann <F12> drücken um die Developer Tools zu öffnen.
3. In dem neuen Fenster auf das "Network" tab wechseln.

4. Dann auf den Button drücken um den Download zu starten

5. Anschliießend solltest Du einen Eintrag wie diesen hier sehen:

6. Wenn Du den anklickst kannst Du im Reiter Params die Parameter sehen, die der Browser on meinen Server gesendet hat.

Es sollten vier sein:

Wenn das bei Dir anders aussieht, mach bitte einen Screen shot und schicke ihn an mich. Oder hänge ihn hier an, ABER VORHER DEINEN LIZENZSCHLÜSSEL und EMAIL unkenntlich machen.

Anschließend einfach mal den FF Cache löschen. Wirkt oft Wunder.


Using the 64 bit version here too and so far no problems and everything is faster. :)


I tryed also the new 64-bit and so far no problems and very fast.
Very good and convenient, when it is faster than before.

Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Quote4. Dann auf den Button drücken um den Download zu starten

Ab hier bleibt dann die Anzeige (Mit Cache sowie Ohne Cache) stehen und lädt und lädt und.... - habe es nach längerer Zeit abgebrochen.

Jetzt habe ich aber noch etwas anderes entdeckt.
In den FF-Einstellungen war Proxy aktiviert. Ich habe das geändert und  'Kein Proxy' angehakt. Danach war IMatch  zum Downloaden bereit - habe es aber nicht angestoßen.

Meine bisherigen Aktivitäten mit Firefox waren möglich und unauffällig, nur heute war ein manuelles Windows Update (Patchday) grottenlangsam.
Veränderung habe ich nicht an FF vorgenommen, aber vor ein paar Tagen stürzte es mal ab. Ob da etwas passiert ist? Keine Ahnung, alles schien eigentlich normal zu laufen.

Vielen Dank für Deine ausführliche Hilfestellung. Komisch, dass 6. nicht angezeigt werden konnte.

Fazit: So wie es aussieht geht es wieder.



I habe das update auch mit FF runtergeladen, wie sonst keine Probleme.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


64-bit version is working wonderfully!  Thanks, Mario. . .
— Tom, in Lexington, Kentucky, USA


Quote from: HaWo on August 02, 2017, 05:23:11 PM
Fazit: So wie es aussieht geht es wieder.
Wenn Du keinen Proxy-Server hast, und im FF ein Proxy aktiviert ist, kann das nicht gehen.
Aber dann würdest Du von meinem Server gar keine Antwort bekommen. Der server meldet aber einen Parameter-Fehler, was auf alte Daten im Cache schließen lässt. Aber wenn's nun is short.


Bei mir wurde der Parameter &platform nicht gesetzt (warum auch immer), was die Fehlermeldung des Server erklären könnte.
Download über ein privates Fenster im FF funktionierte.
Nach Löschen des Cache im Firefox ging es auch mit dem normalen FF.



Das war meine Vermutung. FF bekommt manchmal updates von Seiten nicht mit und nimmt die alten aus dem Cache.
Die Mozilla-Leute sollten sich mal wieder auf FF konzentrieren und nicht so viele andere Sachen anfangen und dann beerdigen. Dann wäre FF Chrome sicher ebenbürtig oder überlegen.


All working here to!  Nice and speedy.... congrats Mario!!   8)


Quote from: Mario on August 02, 2017, 06:30:40 PM
Das war meine Vermutung. FF bekommt manchmal updates von Seiten nicht mit und nimmt die alten aus dem Cache.
Die Mozilla-Leute sollten sich mal wieder auf FF konzentrieren und nicht so viele andere Sachen anfangen und dann beerdigen. Dann wäre FF Chrome sicher ebenbürtig oder überlegen.

Glaubt man den PC-Heften usw, dann sollte man eh auf Chrome oder Edge wechseln.
Ich arbeite meist noch mit FF.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Chrome for development. Edge only for testing. And for Netflix, because of the better video quality  ;)


There are two more browsers, based on chromium-Engine: Opera and Vivaldi (new Opera).

Btt: IMatch 64 still works without any problems. My biggest database has all kind of datafiles (from exotic to common): folder 18000; Dateigröße: 2,51 GB; files: 139000; Categories: 4600; Gesamtgröße: 900 GB.  :)


Quote from: Menace on August 03, 2017, 09:13:52 AM
There are two more browsers, based on chromium-Engine: Opera and Vivaldi (new Opera).

Btt: IMatch 64 still works without any problems. My biggest database has all kind of datafiles (from exotic to common): folder 18000; Dateigröße: 2,51 GB; files: 139000; Categories: 4600; Gesamtgröße: 900 GB.  :)

Thanks for that Menace, thats a cool browser


After trying on my laptop, I loaded IMatch 2017.8.2 64-bit Edition on my desktop. No issues so far, seems faster for some tasks although I don't have any benchmarks to prove it. Great to see IMatch graduate to 64-bit!


This is great news, finally thumbnails for my TIFF files of a few hundred megabytes. With other improvements as well. Thanks for making the 64-bit version Mario  :)

Unfortunately there seems to be a small bug, a forced update of the thumbnails of aforementioned large files in the 64-bit version also writes the keywords back to the file even though IMatch is set to not automatically write back keywords. The force update info does not state it will automatically write back the keywords and it didn't do this in the previous  (32-bit version.) of IMatch.


You've reported that already in the bug reports. See my comments there.
Makes no sense to discuss the same things in two threads.


Great work! I had been having issues with out of memory warnings and crashes with my "super-sized" (database 800,000-ish images) and my reproducible tests which caused the errors have had 0 errors!  In addition on my main rendering workstation the overall performance is dramatically better doing any large action.  I have very wide dual path IO for all my subsystems on this HP Z800 workstation (including dual southbridge chips and fully independent IO busses to raw PCI SSD) and I have to say, this is now able to skim through a 19,000 image keyword with image stacking and custom sorting without hesitation and great image to image response time!  This is truly a leap forward for a $100-ish DAM - splendid work again! Ed :)