My Layout is Different - (CreateDate) has changed

Started by kiwilink, August 23, 2017, 12:18:40 AM

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I will try my best to explain.  Years ago I created and always use a Layout that shows the Create Date on my Images (along with other shooting information).  I have attached a screen capture of my Layout in the 3rd attachment below.  My images used to show the Date and time as shown in attachment 1.  Now if you look at attachment 2 this is what it looks like now.

It went from 6/1/2016 2:53:39 PM  to now  6/1/2016 9:53:30 AM+00;00.

I'm not sure what changed but I have not changed my layout in years.  It appears that my 2:53:39 PM Image that I shot in America (Central Time Zone) is now showing the time in GMT (which would be a 5 hour difference). 

How can I best get the time back to what it was so it shows the correct shooting time (local time)?  Should I change my layout to display something different?  I noticed when I use the EXIFTool and look at the data for the Image I don't see the GMT time.  I do see the ExifIFD which is correct (14:53:30) - see the last attachment.

If you can let me know what changed and what you suggest I do in my Layout to get back to what I had before I would appreciate it.  I tried about 6 different tag selectors and all of them give me the GMT time and not the Created Date "Time" I see in the Metadata panel.

Thanks Mario for all your help!!!!



According  to the release notes, you might suffer from a bug introduced in 2017.8.2. See the description of #00260.
If this is the reason, just wait for 2017.8.4 to be released  ;) No need to spend time for adapting your layouts...
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA



Thank you so much for the reply.  I did go back and look at #00260.  I did not think this was the same issue but maybe it is so thank you for pointing this out and I will wait for the next release.  Thanks again for the reply!!!



This works here so I assume the problem has been fixed for the next release.
You can send me your layout (there is an export option in the dialog) and one of your files for testing.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook



Thanks Mario for looking at this.  Here is the layout and a picture.



I see this:

Seems to be OK.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like on Facebook



That is what I used to see but now I see what is in the first attachment.  Is it a setting in my preferences that could be doing it?  I have not changed any of my settings.  I have attached my Preferences for Metadata which shows Time Zones.

It is also occurring on my Laptop.




This is most likely caused by the mentioned bug - which is already fixed in my version.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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