Meaning of crossed ratings?

Started by blackhead2, November 23, 2017, 04:28:43 PM

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Hello together,

some of my pictures have crossed ratings in the file window view. Does someone know the meaning? It is still posible to rate the pictures. Most pictures don't have this and I can not find a reason for it.

Thank you!

Best regards,



Do you have in the Collections / Label , a label called Winner?
If you have this Label, go to the metadata panel , choose Browser , go to the end and you should see on the XMp xmp a label called Winner. Delete it .Done.
How do you catch it I don't know. I got mine in just one scanned photo.


Thank you!

I checked my collections and it is not "winner" but "rot" which is the color in lightroom. As I use the english version of IMatch but the german version of lightroom it seems that it can not map "rot" to "red"...


Labels are just texts. Any "Mapping" would require some standard set of labels which does not exist. You could, for example, associate a red coloured label with the text "green" (if you were inclined to...)
From the IMatch help (just press F1 in Preferences -> Metadata):
QuoteLabels have no special meaning, they are just text. It depends on your requirements and workflow if and how many labels you use, and how you name them. Different applications use different set of labels. Sometimes even different products from the same vendor use different labels for identical purposes.
You will also find an explanation for the special pattern you see.
Win 10 / 64, IMatch 2018, IMA


Thank you too.

QuoteSometimes even different products from the same vendor use different labels for identical purposes.
So for Lightroom it is: "Sometimes even the same product from the same vendor uses different labels for identical purpuses." In this case it depends on the chosen language.


German versions or Lr use German names. French use French names.
Different Adobe products (and versions) use different sets of label names. There is no standard for what an application writes into the XMP label.

IMatch ships with a set of default label names which work well for most applications. You can add your own labels and you can associate colors with labels.
Unless a label "text" is associated with a color, IMatch displays the special hatch pattern to indicate that the label has no associated color.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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