Thumbnail sized raw image in viewer and quick view on my notebook install

Started by greg, July 20, 2018, 07:55:52 PM

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When opening a .ORF file from an Olympus EM1ii on my notebook computer I get only thumbnail sized images on the viewer or quick view. The viewers work properly on my desktop computer. I have the FastPictureViewer codec installed on both computers. I'm trying to duplicate the configuration on both computers, both with Windows 10 1803 version. Is there a iMatch preference setting that I might have missed in the notebook? Am I correct in assuming both of these viewers are built into iMatch independent of other windows apps?


Usually this means that neither the installed WIC codec nor LibRaw can handle the image (which would be very uncommon!).

Select one of the files in a File Window and then run Help > Support > WIC Diagnosis.
Attach the results.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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I ran the diagnostic on both the desktop and notebook. Running Dif on the two files showed that the results were identical except for the file locations and processing time. One minor difference is that the notebook uses one version newer on the Fastpictureviewer codec, but that shouldn't have mattered. Both files are attached.


I deleted the files and then dropped them into iMatch again. The images were then properly sized in the viewer. It could be that the small viewer images were from previously cached images prior to having the Fastpictureviewer codec installed. Perhaps some other issue occurred when I was first experimenting with the two computers. The issue appears to be solved at this time.


The WIC codec can extract a suitably large image from your ORF file. Apparently it has no embedded preview image or FPV does not support extracting it in the ORF variant used by your camera. IMatch will thus use the full RAW image. No problem.

When you install WIC codecs after the images have already been added, you need to force a refresh by

a) selecting the files in the File Window
b) Pressing Shift+Ctrl+F5 (or using the Advanced Rescan command from the context menu) and choose the option "Force Update".
But, if no WIC codec is found, IMatch automatically switches to its internal RAW processing which is based on LibRaw. And This combination supports hundreds of RAW format variants. So this is still strange.

Maybe there was some kind of hickup at the time you've added the images or the Notebook was temporarily maxed out or something. When this happens again, just select the images and force a rescan via Shift+Ctrl+F5. This usually solves such strange issues.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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