"Yellow-Pencil"-Effect and remove

Started by Gerd, September 17, 2013, 10:47:58 PM

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Dear Mario,

we have had some posts about this. I have the problem, that rewriting metadata is soooo slow! yesterday it took 5 h to process 6.500 files with this bloody pencil. Today I'm busy with only several 100, but there are 25.000 waiting for removing the yellow pencil!

Is it not possible to reset this marker in the database with a help-tool? 



Just reload the metadata (<Ctrl>+<Shift>+<F5>), this will reset the write-back stage.
Make sure you also disable the protection of metadata under Edit > Preferences > Metadata 2.

Note that this process will undo all changes you did to your files which have not been written. Whatever changes are in the database will be replaced with whatever is in your files.

Attach a log file. I want to see what is so slow, which file formats you are using etc.

The typical write-back time in ExifTool for

JPEG files is about 0.2 seconds = 300 files per minute.
RAW files: 0.5 to 1.0 second = 60 to 120 files per minute.

This means that for 6500 JPEG files a normal time would be 20-30 minutes, for RAW files maybe 2 hours or so.

I need to know if ExifTool is slow on your machine, or the metadata import and other purposes.
Do you still work with that huge database on that slow external disk?

-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
http://www.photools.com  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like photools.com on Facebook


Hi Mario,

yes, it's my "BIG-PIC"!  ;D

I followed you instruction and now the first part of 7.778 files is finished and the pencils are gone!

It took nearly 3h, the last operation was "Updating Index", what needs 10 min. I have attached the log-file.

Due to all time consuming actions I have the feeling, that IM5-116 runs very stable.


[attachment deleted by admin]


The search index update is quite slow on your machine. About 4 to 5 seconds to process the index updates for 50 files. About 2500-5000 index entries for 50 files.
Your hard disk is not performing well, or the database file is fragmented. I guess when you run an Database > Tools > Compact the speed will improve a lot.

But for your 8 GB database on an external USB 2.0 hard disk, a compact can take a lot of time.
How long does it take when you (while IMatch is not running)  copy the database file on that disk (Just to a <Ctrl>+<C>, <Ctrl>+<V> in Windows Explorer)?
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
Forum Administrator
http://www.photools.com  -  Contact & Support - Follow me on 𝕏 - Like photools.com on Facebook


Hi Mario,

I did now some tests ... I found out, that my second ext. HD was set to autumatic backup ...  :o

After switching off I did the tests: copying the 8,9 GB IM5-DB takes 7 min 20 sec.

Attached also 2 HD-speedtest from the C-drive (IM5-DB) and the H-drive (all pics).

The C-drive is a Toshiba MK6465GSX, 5.400 rpm and 144 MBPS transferspeed (theoretically)

Also starting IM5 with the Big-Pics takes now 5 min instead of 8 min.


[attachment deleted by admin]