Some files missing "part" of renaming

Started by Aubrey, August 31, 2019, 10:44:22 AM

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I have had the following issue appearing the odd time when I do a bulk rename. It's no a big issue as I can manually correct, however I thought I should bring it to Mario's attention. Have other users experienced a similar result?

I do a bulk renaming of files, and sometimes a file is missing a part of the renaming.
Expected result:
Original name: DS1_1012.NEF
New name: AOC_D500_YYMMDD_11012.NEF.

All files start with a similar name, DS1 (numeric is of course different)
After renaming some files are missing "D500"
In the example shown in file (rename.jpg)
DS1_0959.JPG became AOC_190821_10959.JPG

The associated NEF file (I shoot NEF and JPG) became
DS1_0959.NEF became AOC_D500_190821_10959.JPG (this is correct!)
The appears to happen randomly.

I have captured the IMatch log file almost immediately after the conversion (unfortunately only normal not debug). Also attached is a file view with comments.

As I stated at the start, it's not an urgent issue, however, I wanted to document it.



It would be helpful to see the actually Renamer preset and steps you are using.

You are using variables perhaps?
All referenced metadata filled?
What does the Renamer preview show?
Missing segments in the file name?
If this happens only during the actual file system rename but not in the preview, some external influence may be the reason...

Problems found in you log

1.  I see many "tag not found" warnings in the log file.
The tags referenced are old tags which no longer exist because ExifTool has renamed them.
See the release notes of the current IMatch 2019.8.4 (the BIG RED BOX at the top):

IMatch manages all this internally when the database is created. But it cannot change the tag names you have used for variables somewhere, custom file window layouts, Renamer presets, MD templates etc.
You have to check manually to find these references and update them accordingly.

It appears you did not do that?

2.  I see a few errors and warnings from the Renamer, for example:

Renamer: File 'E:\processed images\2019\1908 Aug\DS1_1018.NEF' (Dest: 'E:\processed images\2019\1908 Aug\AOC_D500_190828_11018.NEF', Copy: '') failed with code 120. This means "failed to move/rename file", which can have many reasons. Maybe the file was locked (by other applications or maybe by a WIC codec when IMatch was currently displaying the file somewhere..)?

3. At least some NEF files fail to load with the installed WIC codec and IMatch falls back to using LibRaw instead.
Maybe some/all NEF files produced by your camera model are not supported by the FastPictureViewer codecs. FPC has not been updated for years...

-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Renamer steps shown in attached jpg, comments in jpg for clarification.

I am using variables, to get camera name. I'll need to check on next failure that the specific variable has been stored in the exif data.

I haven't looked carefully at each file in the renamer preview. I do briefly look at it before applying the rename to check renamer looks ok, it appeared to be . Next time I'll save the review and cross check.

"Missing segments in file name" - not sure what you mean...

I think the issue only happens during conversion... I wonder if virus protection happens to lock file during part of renaming process?

I read important changes. I considered that apply as I did not remember creating variables based on  "File.MD.Composite" etc.
I will now check. On searching, it explains why some info about aperture etc.,is not appearing in my file view on the most recent files loaaded, I had not noticed this (I've just installed 8.2/8.4). Thank you for this tip.

Your pointers on where to look in log file will be useful to be able to give more info next time.

When there are issues with next batch renamer I'll come back to you with better information.