
Started by Gerd, September 24, 2013, 05:05:19 PM

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in the slideshow you can see the position-counter of the pic, where you are, but if you leave it, this info is not shown in the Viewer.
I want to have the position-counter somewhere in the Viewer and also a "Goto Picture-No." in the context-menus.


The viewer shows the number of the current file and the total number of files in the caption bar and also in the status bar.
You can goto the current file via the Goto command, or to any file via the goto command in the film strip.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Ok, in the Viewer I found it! Using the index manually is not so nice as a goto no., but I canlive with that ...

And what about the file-window ... is there also a possibility to get the index visible?


QuoteOk, in the Viewer I found it! Using the index manually is not so nice as a goto no., but I canlive with that ...

Don't understand. What do you mean with manually?

QuoteAnd what about the file-window ... is there also a possibility to get the index visible?

The file window has no "index". Do you mean the number of the image, counted from the upper-left image? What would that be good for?
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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Hi Mario,

I have now played a little bit to check my idea of an absolute pic-position-number, but I see, that it does not make sense ...

What will I do? I run through my pics, either in the Slideshow or in the Viewer and when I see a pic, I will it now direct open in e.g. PS CS6. If I now stop with Slideshow or Viewer, the position of this pic is lost, especially ending the Slideshow. In the Viewer I have the possibilty with marking with a dot, pin or flag before I stop it, but find the pic back via filter-panel is a little bit tedious.

In LR or such little programs as Faststone I'm direct back at the pic, where I leave a slideshow or full-screen-display and I also can direct work with this pic in e.g. PS CS6 ...

... or is there another, easier way to this?



I see. When you open a file from the viewer, the viewer closes (to free memory resources for the other application). The other application starts, IMatch continues to work. Please keep in mind that the files you are viewing in the viewer may have come from a different file window than the file window which is currently visible - you can open files into the viewer, and then then switch to another file window, apply a filter or whatever, all this does not affect the files loaded in the viewer.

When you close the Viewer with <Ctrl>+<G> it will select the currently active file in the currently active file window. Then you can open it in another application. with <Ctrl>+<O>. Do you propose that the viewer should automatically select the file you open in the other application when you open an application from inside the viewer?

What do other users think? I can don't really want to make that yet another on/off option. We can have it either way. Currently the viewer just closes when the user starts an application from it, leaving the current selection in the active file window unmodified.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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If we don't want to introduce a new option here I vote for "don't close the viewer only because you start another application from within the viewer". This feels more natural for me (working with more than one programm at once).

If I have enough power/memory, then I can continue my work.
If I don't have enough power/memory, then I can still close it manually.

This is what I do:
I select some files from within iMatch -> send it to my RAW-Converter -> switch back to iMatch and close it completely!!


Quote from: ChrisMatch on September 25, 2013, 08:59:18 AM
If we don't want to introduce a new option here I vote for "don't close the viewer only because you start another application from within the viewer". This feels more natural for me (working with more than one programm at once).

If I have enough power/memory, than I can continue my work.
If I don't have enough power/memory, than I can still close it manually.

I would also vote for this.
Best wishes from Switzerland! :-)


Was working in that area anyway. Added two new options:

+ one to control whether or not the viewer closes when a file is opened in another application
+ one to control whether the viewer automatically selects the last viewed file in the active file window when it closes.

This should wrap this up quite well.
-- Mario
IMatch Developer
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