On this page you can download free trial versions and other content.

IMatch FREE 30-Day Trial Version
Download the free 30 day trial version of the digital asset management system IMatch for Windows (approx. 200 MB).
After downloading, double-click the downloaded file in Windows Explorer to start the installer.
Learn more about IMatch: What does IMatch do?
When you decide to purchase IMatch, you just download and install the licensed version. It replaces the trial version and you can continue immediately to work with IMatch.
Watch tutorial videos which explain how to install IMatch and how to get started in the IMatch Learning Center.
IMatch runs on Microsoft Windows 10 and later editions of Windows. See hardware & software requirements for additional details.
If you have a licensed version of IMatch, do not install a trial version of a later IMatch version on the same computer.

IMatch Anywhere™ FREE 30-Day Trial Version
IMatch Anywhere is an add-on for IMatch which implements server functionality. With IMatch Anywhere, multiple users can browse IMatch databases from any device, locally and remotely, using a web browser.
To try out IMatch Anywhere, you need an IMatch installation (trial or licensed) and an IMatch database.
After downloading, double-click the downloaded file in Windows Explorer to start the installer.
Learn more about IMatch Anywhere: What does IMatch Anywhere do?
More information about the available IMatch Anywhere editions.
Watch tutorial videos which explain how to install IMatch Anywhere and how to get started in the IMatch Anywhere Learning Center.
IMatch Anywhere runs on Microsoft Windows 10 and later editions of Windows. See hardware & software requirements for additional details.
If you have a licensed version of IMatch Anywhere, do not install a trial version of a later IMatch version on the same computer.
Downloading Licensed Products
To download your licensed products, please go to the photools.com Customer Portal and log in using your credentials.
Additional Downloads
IMatch Help System for Local Installation
The standard online version of the IMatch Help System is fast and always up-to-date. IMatch uses this version of the help system whenever you press F1 or request help by other means.
If you have a slow or unreliable internet connection or you have to work offline for some time, you can download and install a local version of the IMatch Help System. For more information about how to install and use the local copy of the Help System, see this topic in the IMatch Help System.
Note: When an update for IMatch is released, there is usually also an update for the local help system. Always download the help system matching your IMatch version.