ShortCodes allow you to use shorter tag keys for frequently used tags.
You can use shortcodes in metadata Variables and in apps. Instead of specifying the complete tag key, you can use the ShortCode.
For example, the following variable specifications are interchangeable:
{File.MD.headline} and {File.MD.XMP::photoshop\Headline} {File.MD.jobid} and {File.MD.XMP::photoshop\TransmissionReference}
The shortcodes on the left side are easier to remember and shorter. They return the same result as the fully specified variables on the right.
ShortCodes are case-sensitive.
You combine the shortcode listed in the following table with the prefix File.MD. For example, the first entry from the table, aperture would be used as {File.MD.aperture}.
ShortCode | Tag Key | Tag Name |
AI.description |\200020\AI.description | AI description |
AI.landmarks |\200010\AI.landmarks | AI Landmarks |
AI.keywords |\200000\AI.keywords | AI Keywords |
aperture | Composite\Exif-Aperture\Aperture | Aperture |
authorposition | XMP::photoshop\AuthorsPosition\AuthorsPosition | Author Title |
cameraserialnumber | Exif::Main\50735\CameraSerialNumber | Camera Serial Number |
cameraserialnumbercomp |\1501\cameraserialnumbercomp | Camera Serial Number, created from a variety of camera serial number tag. Many camera vendos don't use the official EXIF serial number tag (why?) IMatch tries to overcome this with this special tag, which tries to identify the serial number by looking at over 20 vendor-specific tags. |
cameraname |\1510\cameraname | This tag is created by combining the EXIF make and model tags and then perfoming some additional cleanup to unify different spellings camera vendors use for their maker name. The end result are names like " NIKON D850 " or "Canon EOS 5D Mark III ". |
captionwriter | XMP::photoshop\CaptionWriter\CaptionWriter | Description Writer |
city | XMP::iptcExt\LocationShownCity\LocationShownCity | City |
citycreated | XMP::iptcExt\LocationCreatedCity\LocationCreatedCity | City |
colorspace | Exif::Main\40961\ColorSpace | Color Space |
countrycode | File.MD.XMP::iptcExt\LocationShownCountryCode\LocationShownCountryCode | Country Code |
countrycodecreated | XMP::iptcExt\LocationCreatedCountryCode\LocationCreatedCountryCode | Country Code |
country | XMP::iptcExt\LocationShownCountryName\LocationShownCountryName | Country |
countrycreated | XMP::iptcExt\LocationCreatedCountryName\LocationCreatedCountryName | Country |
createdate | XMP::xmp\CreateDate\CreateDate | Created Date |
creatoraddress | XMP::iptcCore\CreatorContactInfoCiAdrExtadr\CreatorAddress | Creator: Address |
creatorcity | XMP::iptcCore\CreatorContactInfoCiAdrCity\CreatorCity | Creator: City |
creatorcountry | XMP::iptcCore\CreatorContactInfoCiAdrCtry\CreatorCountry | Creator: Country |
creatoremail | XMP::iptcCore\CreatorContactInfoCiEmailWork\CreatorWorkEmail | Creator: Email(s) |
creatorregion | XMP::iptcCore\CreatorContactInfoCiAdrRegion\CreatorRegion | Creator: State/Province |
creatortool | XMP::xmp\CreatorTool\CreatorTool | Creator Tool |
creatorworkphone | XMP::iptcCore\CreatorContactInfoCiTelWork\CreatorWorkTelephone | Creator: Phone(s) |
creatorworkurl | XMP::iptcCore\CreatorContactInfoCiUrlWork\CreatorWorkURL | Creator: Website(s) |
creatorzip | XMP::iptcCore\CreatorContactInfoCiAdrPcode\CreatorPostalCode | Creator: Postal Code |
creator | XMP::dc\creator\Creator | Author |
credit | XMP::photoshop\Credit\Credit | Credit |
cropped | XMP::crs\HasCrop\HasCrop | Cropped |
datecreated | XMP::photoshop\DateCreated\DateCreated | Date Subject Created |
description | XMP::dc\description\Description | Description |
exposurecomp | Exif::Main\37380\ExposureCompensation | Exposure Compensation |
exposuremode | Exif::Main\41986\ExposureMode | Exposure Mode |
exposureprogram | Exif::Main\34850\ExposureProgram | Exposure Program |
file.ltid |\100100\file.ltid | Lifetime Id of the file | |\101100\ | File name and extension |
file.ext |\101200\file.ext | File extension |
file.format |\101300\file.format | File format |
file.foldername |\101400\file.foldername | Folder name |
flash | Exif::Main\37385\Flash | Flash Mode |
focallength35mm | Exif::Main\41989\FocalLengthIn35mmFormat | Focal Length (35mm) |
focallength | Exif::Main\37386\FocalLength | Focal Length |
focalplaneresx | XMP::exif\FocalPlaneXResolution\FocalPlaneXResolution | Focal Length |
focalplaneresy | XMP::exif\FocalPlaneYResolution\FocalPlaneYResolution | Focal Length |
focalplaneresunit | XMP::exif\FocalPlaneResolutionUnit\FocalPlaneResolutionUnit | Focal Length |
genre | XMP::iptcCore\IntellectualGenre\IntellectualGenre | Intellectual Genre |
gpsmapdatum | XMP::exif\GPSMapDatum\GPSMapDatum | Indicates the geodetic survey data used by the GPS receiver. |
gpsaltitude | XMP::exif\GPSAltitude\GPSAltitude | GPS Altitude |
gpsdatetime | XMP::exif\GPSTimeStamp\GPSDateTime | GPS Timestamp |
gpslatitude | XMP::exif\GPSLatitude\GPSLatitude | GPS Latitude |
gpslongitude | XMP::exif\GPSLongitude\GPSLongitude | GPS Longitude |
gpsposition | Composite\Exif-GPSPosition\GPSPosition | GPS Position |
gpsdestlatitude | XMP::exif\GPSDestLatitude\GPSDestLatitude | GPS Destination Latitude (Location shown) |
gpsdestlongitude | XMP::exif\GPSDestLongitude\GPSDestLongitude | GPS Destination Longitude (Location shown) |
gpsdestdistance | XMP::exif\GPSDestDistance\GPSDestDistance | GPS GPSDestDistance Distance (Location shown) |
gpsdestdistanceref | XMP::exif\GPSDestDistanceRef\GPSDestDistanceRef | GPS GPSDestDistance Unit ('M,'K','N') |
gpsimgdirection | XMP::exif\GPSImgDirection\GPSImgDirection | Indicates the direction of the image when it was captured. The range of values is from 0.00 to 359.99. |
gpsimgdirectionref | XMP::exif\GPSImgDirectionRef\GPSImgDirectionRef | Indicates the reference for giving the direction of the image when it is captured. 'T' denotes true direction and 'M' is magnetic direction. |
gpstrack | XMP::exif\GPSTrack\GPSTrack | Indicates the direction of GPS receiver movement. The range of values is from 0.00 to 359.99. |
gpstrackref | XMP::exif\GPSTrackRef\GPSTrackRef | Indicates the reference for giving the direction of GPS receiver movement. 'T' denotes true direction and 'M' is magnetic direction. |
headline | XMP::photoshop\Headline\Headline | Headline |
hierarchicalkeywords | XMP::Lightroom\hierarchicalSubject\HierarchicalSubject | Hierarchical Keywords |
iccprofilename |\1700\iccprofilename | The name of the embedded ICC profile. |
instructions | XMP::photoshop\Instructions\Instructions | Instructions |
iso | Exif::Main\34855\ISO | ISO |
jobid | XMP::photoshop\TransmissionReference\TransmissionReference | Job Identifier |
label | XMP::xmp\Label\Label | Label |
lightsource | Exif::Main\37384\LightSource | Light Source |
locationname | XMP::iptcExt\LocationShownLocationName\LocationShownLocationName | Location Name |
locationnamecreated | XMP::iptcExt\LocationCreatedLocationName\LocationCreatedLocationName | Location Name |
location | XMP::iptcExt\LocationShownSublocation\LocationShownSublocation | Location |
locationcreated | XMP::iptcExt\LocationCreatedSublocation\LocationCreatedSublocation | Location |
make | Exif::Main\271\Make | Make |
meteringmode | Exif::Main\37383\MeteringMode | Metering Mode |
model | Exif::Main\272\Model | Model |
modifydate | XMP::xmp\ModifyDate\ModifyDate | Modified Date |
orientation | XMP::tiff\Orientation\Orientation | Orientation |
originaldate | XMP::photoshop\DateCreated\DateCreated | Original Date |
otr | XMP::photoshop\TransmissionReference\TransmissionReference | Transmission Reference |
pdfauthor | PDF::Info\Author\Author | PDF: Author |
pdfcreatedate | PDF::Info\CreationDate\CreateDate | PDF: Create Date |
pdfcreator | PDF::Info\Creator\Creator | PDF: Creator |
pdfkeywords | PDF::Info\Keywords\Keywords | PDF: Keywords |
pdflanguage | PDF::Root\Lang\Language | PDF: Language |
pdfmodifydate | PDF::Info\ModDate\ModifyDate | PDF: Modified Date |
pdfpagecount | PDF::Pages\Count\PageCount | PDF: Pages |
pdfproducer | PDF::Info\Producer\Producer | PDF: Producer |
pdfprotection | PDF::Encrypt\P\UserAccess | PDF: Protection |
pdfsubject | PDF::Info\Subject\Subject | PDF: Subject |
pdftitle | PDF::Info\Title\Title | PDF: Title |
pdfversion | PDF::Root\Version\PDFVersion | PDF: Version |
rating | XMP::xmp\Rating\Rating | Rating |
rights | XMP::dc\rights\Rights | Copyright |
scene | XMP::iptcCore\Scene\Scene | IPTC Scene |
shutterspeed | Composite\Exif-ShutterSpeed\ShutterSpeed | Shutter Speed |
source | XMP::photoshop\Source\Source | Source |
state | XMP::iptcExt\LocationShownProvinceState\LocationShownProvinceState | State/Province |
statecreated | XMP::iptcExt\LocationCreatedProvinceState\LocationCreatedProvinceState | State/Province |
subjectcode | XMP::iptcCore\SubjectCode\SubjectCode | IPTC Subject Code |
subject | XMP::dc\subject\Subject | Keywords |
title | XMP::dc\title\Title | Title |
usageterms | XMP::xmpRights\UsageTerms\UsageTerms | Usage Terms |
usercomment | Exif::Main\37510\UserComment | User Comment |
webstatement | XMP::xmpRights\WebStatement\WebStatement | Copyright URL |
whitebalance | Exif::Main\41987\WhiteBalance | White Balance |
XP Tags (Windows Metadata) | ||
xpauthor | Exif::Main\40093\XPAuthor | XP: Author |
xpcomment | Exif::Main\40092\XPComment | XP: Comment |
xpkeywords | Exif::Main\40094\XPKeywords | XP: Keywords |
xpsubject | Exif::Main\40095\XPSubject | XP: Subject |
xptitle | Exif::Main\40091\XPTitle | XP: Title |
ID3 Tags (MP3) | ||
id3title |\30000\id3title | ID3 Title |
id3artist |\30100\id3artist | ID3 Artist |
id3composer |\30110\id3composer | ID3 Composer |
id3band |\30120\id3band | ID3 Band Name |
id3publisher |\30130\id3publisher | ID3 Publisher |
id3publisherurl |\30140\id3publisherurl | ID3 Publisher URL |
id3album |\30200\id3album | ID3 Album Title |
id3year |\30300\id3year | ID3 Year |
id3comment |\30400\id3comment | ID3 Comment |
id3track |\30500\id3track | ID3 Track |
id3genre |\30600\id3genre | ID3 Genre |
id3bitrate |\30700\id3bitrate | ID3 Bitrate |
id3samplerate |\30800\id3samplerate | ID3 Sample Rate |
id3duration |\30900\id3duration | ID3 Duration |