The File Window: Rejected Files

Instead of deleting, you can use the Reject functionality in IMatch to reject files.

In addition to stars the latest XMP metadata standard supports a special Reject rating. This rating is treated in a special way by IMatch. In the File Window, rejected files are displayed with a special overlay icon to indicate the special status of the file.

Rejected file in the File Window

If your file window layout includes the rating bar, the reject rating is indicated with a smaller version of the reject icon. No rating stars are displayed because the reject rating and rating stars are mutually exclusive.

Reject is a normal XMP rating. It will also be written to the file / sidecar file like any other rating.

Why You Should Use Reject

Rejecting instead of deleting is faster than deleting the file because IMatch does not need to remove all data associated with the file from the database.

Although IMatch supports Undo for file deletes, this may not always be possible. If you wait too long after deleting a file, the Undo stack may have been cleared because it became too full or you performed actions which caused the Undo stack to clear. Undoing file delete operations on network resources is not always possible (no recycle bin on networks).

If support for Reject is enabled under Edit > Preferences > Application, IMatch interprets the Delete File command instead as toggle the Reject rating of the file. You can then reject a file by simply pressing the Del key. Pressing Del again will remove the Reject rating.

To physically delete rejected files, press Ctrl+Del instead.

The keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Del works a bit differently in Reject mode. Without Reject, Ctrl+Del deletes all selected files without asking. If Reject is on, IMatch will prompt for confirmation even if you use Ctrl+Del.

Delete Rejected Files

This command can be found in the Commands menu. If you execute this command, you will be asked whether you want to delete rejected files in the current scope (File Windows contents) or all rejected files in the entire database.

To see all rejected files in the database, switch to the Collection View and click on the Reject collection under Rating.