Working with Tree Control Elements

The tree control elements used by IMatch, e.g., in the Media & Folders View or the Category View support the standard Windows keyboard shortcuts and some special commands for quickly expanding and collapsing entire sections.

Keyboard Shortcuts

NumPad +Expand the currently selected folder.
NumPad -Collapse the currently selected folder.
NumPad *Expand the currently selected folder, including all sub-folders, recursively.
NumPad Ctrl+*Collapse all sub-folders of the currently selected folder.
Cursor rightExpands the currently selected folder if not expanded, else goes to the first sub-folder.
Cursor leftCollapses the currently selected folder if expanded, else goes to the parent.

The Expand & Collapse Menu

In addition to these standard commands, IMatch supports additional commands in the Media & Folders and Category View and also in the Category Panel.

These commands allow you to expand or collapse entire sections of the tree and can be used as a replacement for the standard keyboard shortcuts if your computer has no numeric keypad.

Right-click an element in the tree to open the context menu. Under the Expand & Collapse sub-menu, IMatch offers these commands:


Expands the selected/focused element.

Expand Children

Expands the selected/focused element and its child elements.

Expand Siblings

Expands the selected/focused element and its siblings (elements on the same level) .

Expand Down

Expands the selected/focused element and all its child elements, recursively.


Collapses the selected/focused element.

Collapse Children

Collapses the selected/focused element and its child elements.

Collapse Siblings

Collapses the selected/focused element and its siblings (elements on the same level) .

Collapse Down

Collapses the selected/focused element and all its child elements, recursively.

Collapse Parent

Selects the parent element and collapses it.

Collapse Up

Goes up the hierarchy until the level under the root element is reached (e.g., top-level folders, top-level categories), selects that element and collapses it.

If you have a deep category hierarchy with typical top-level categories like WHERE or WHAT and you are somewhere deep in WHERE or WHAT, you can collapse the entire branch and jump to WHERE or WHAT instantly. Intermediate elements are not collapsed and are restored once you expand the parent again.

Collapse All

Collapses all elements in the tree, recursively.

These dedicated commands allow you to quickly expand and collapse individual elements or entire sections of tree controls in IMatch.